Opus Online: Rave, Rant and Review

Friday, October 15, 2010



Dear Readers,

I apologize for the delay in updating my Blog.Without specifics, lets just say that, the doctors wont let me anywhere near a computer, and an asylum isn't the most ideal place to find a laptop.Further more, for the past few weeks I have been heavily sedated and bruised(that’s what you get for one two many escape attempts.Never knew they  could made fences that high).

Anyway,the doctors  say I’m responding to treatment,and I’m inclined to agree(considering  I haven't tried to  grievously harm anyone within the past three days,they might be right) .And I have been taking my medication regularly.Honest.And the voices in my head have stopped(ok, maybe not completely, I still hear them now and then……ok, I hear them everyday.But that’s like,…… our little secret………right?DAMMIT! SAY SOMETHING!!!

I urge you to continue reading my blog.WHY? Because,My drugs are expensive and this is my sole source of income.

Thank you for your time.

I remain your ever- Faithful

The SCREAMING Patient in room No:902

Splice-movie-omg-what-were-they-thinking of Service Network


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If you like half-squirrel, half-bat, half-kangaroo, half-amphibian, half-scorpion albino bald headed females with poisonous stinging tails and a propensity to switch genders at will, Press 9 now and we will send you a caller tune of the sounds they make during sex for a give away price of !!!N9.95k!!! (vat inclusive)


If you need another reason why scientists shouldn’t be allowed to procreate, Press 1

If you are uncertain about your sexuality, Press 4

If you still want to see this movie despite all theses freaky-weird-oh-my-God-what-was-I-thinking-ness, you are clearly a dysfunctional, screwed up, we-feel-sorry-for-your-mother nut job, Press 5

Good luck.